The Town of Whitby welcomes you to address Council on issues that are under consideration at meetings. You may attend a meeting to speak to an item included on a meeting agenda by submitting a delegation request. Please note that delegations at Council meetings are only permitted if an issue wasn't previously considered at a Standing Committee meeting or in instances where the effect of a staff recommendation was altered by a Standing Committee.
Our Committee and Council meetings are held in a hybrid in-person and virtual format. If you're appearing at a meeting, you can choose to attend in-person or virtually. You can watch Committee and Council meetings on our live stream feed available on the Council and Committee Meeting calendar.
Request to speak at a meeting by completing the Delegation Request Form. You may also provide written correspondence about the topic you wish to discuss.
Please include the following information in your request:
If you're unable to access a computer to complete this request, please call 905.430.4300 to speak with a Staff Member.
You must submit your Delegation Request Form by 8:00 a.m. on the day of the meeting.
Written correspondence must be submitted by email by 12:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting.
Delegations at Council meetings are only permitted if an issue wasn't previously considered at a Standing Committee meeting or in instances where the effect of a staff recommendation was altered by a Standing Committee.
If you're interested in speaking at a statutory public meeting, you are encouraged to register with the Office of the Town Clerk.
Personal Information Notice
Please note that the names of delegates as well as the municipality in which they reside or the organization they represent (if applicable) are published on the Town's website as part of Committee/Council Agendas and Minutes. Personal information, including opinions and views contained in delegations and written comments to Whitby Council or its Committees is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001 and in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Any personal information you choose to disclose in your delegation or written comments will be used to receive your views on the relevant issue(s) to enable the Town to make its decision on the matter.
When appearing before Council, review our presentation tips to know how our delegation process works in compliance with the Town's Procedure By-law.
What do I do prior to the meeting? |
To prepare for the meeting:
What do I do when I arrive at the meeting? |
When arriving at the meeting:
How do I address the Committee/Council members? |
When addressing Committee or Council members:
How long may I speak? |
When speaking to the Committee and/or Council members, you can speak for up to five minutes. Please note questions may follow and are not part of the five-minute limit. |
What happens after I speak? |
Once you have addressed the Committee or Council:
If your delegation request does not meet the requirements of the Procedure By-law and is denied, you can take the following steps to bring forward your request:
In accordance with the Procedure By-law, when you appear at a meeting, you must not:
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