In the Town of Whitby, you're permitted to operate a home-based business as long as you meet the criteria outlined in the applicable Zoning By-law. This relates to all properties in a zone that permits a dwelling unit.
You may need a business licence depending on the type of business you are operating from your home. Please refer to our Business Licensing and Permits page to review the list of applicable business licences. Please ensure you are in compliance with all other rules, regulations and requirements for your business.
In order to qualify as a home-based business, the primary use of the property must be residential. All business activities are secondary. The activity of the business needs to comply with the provisions in the Zoning By-law.
Please contact us if you have any questions about the zoning requirements for your home-based business.
You can file a by-law complaint if you believe someone isn't following the regulations in the by-law.
All complaints, including emails, must contain the complainant's name, address and phone number. Please note that all personal information about complainants will remain confidential.
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