The Town of Whitby's Zoning By-law governs land use and helps implement the policies outlined in the Official Plan. Depending on the zoning of your property, you will need to follow specific land use and building and development regulations.
View the consolidated zoning by-laws for the Town of Whitby:
The Town's Zoning By-laws were recently amended as it relates to Additional Dwelling Units (also referred to as secondary suites, basement apartments, two-unit dwellings, granny flats, in-law suites, accessory apartments, laneway houses, coach houses, garage suites or garden suites). Please refer to the amending by-laws below:
We are currently undertaking a comprehensive Zoning By-law review. Learn about the review process and find out how you can get involved.
If your building or development project doesn't comply with the Zoning By-law, you'll need to apply for a Zoning By-law Amendment.
The Whitby Committee of Adjustment meets regularly to consider applications for minor variances to the Town's Zoning By-laws.
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