Development charges assist in providing growth related infrastructure required to service future development in the Town of Whitby by establishing a viable capital funding source. If you are undertaking a planning and development project, you may need to pay development charges. The Town typically collects development charges at the time when a building permit is issued.
Whitby also collects development charges on behalf of the Region of Durham and the area school boards (DDSB and DCDSB); each have their own by-laws and policies which governs their rules and rates. The development charge fees are indexed (increased) annually on different dates based on the by-laws: the Town of Whitby on February 1st, DDSB and DCDSB on May 1st and the Region of Durham on July 1st.
You can view the Province of Ontario’s Development Charges Act, 1997, s.o. 1997, c. 27 or the Town of Whitby’s Key Information Pamphlet for more information.
Payment of development charges may be required for residential and non-residential development when:
If there is a demolition and redevelopment of the same property, a development charge credit may be available, to help offset any development charges that are owing. Each of the development charge by-laws for the Town of Whitby, the Region of Durham, DDSB and DCDSB outline specific conditions that must apply. Please note, the time period between the issuance of the demolition permit and the issuance of the new building permit must not exceed the timeframe outlined in the by-laws: DDSB and DCDSB (2 years), Whitby (5 years), Region of Durham (10 years).
Please refer to the Town of Whitby Development Charges By-Law #7748-21 which came into effect on June 1, 2021 for more information.
Development charge rates |
The Town of Whitby’s development charge rates are subject to annual indexing on February 1st in accordance with the most recent twelve month change in the Statistics Quarterly, Construction Price Statistics (non-residential building construction price index).
The Region of Durham and School Boards (DDSB/DCDSB) also index their development charge rates annually on July 1st and May 1st, respectively. Please contact the Region and School Boards directly for inquiries related to their development charge indexing.
Development Charge Rate SchedulesAny development charge quotations provided by the Town of Whitby, will have an expiry date. It is up to the applicant to be aware of that expiry date. The base Town of Whitby development charge rate is based on your site plan or zoning application submission date, as found on your letter of complete application. If a development has both planning applications submitted on/after January 1, 2020, the site plan application date is used. If your development is not proceeding through these planning applications, if your application pre-dates January 1, 2020, or if your site plan or zoning application was approved more 2 or more years ago, please refer to the current rate schedules for the current development charge rate.
Current Rate Schedules
Historic Town of Whitby Rate Schedules
For historic DC rates for the Region of Durham, DDSB and DCDSB, please contact them directly.
Pre-payment of Development ChargesIf all other minimum development application requirements have been satisfied, the Town of Whitby may permit the pre-payment of development charges up to 60 days in advance of building permit issuance. If granted and building permit issuance occurs more than 60 days after Town of Whitby Development Charges are paid, additional development charges will be due (if applicable) for:
The Region of Durham, DDSB and DCDSB may have different pre-payment allowances, please contact them directly with any questions. It is recommended that all conditions for building permit issuance have been completed prior to the payment of development charges. |
Residential development |
Non-Residential development |
Protocol for determining applicable development charges in commercial and industrial combined use developments A protocol that supports the principles of development charges was developed and implemented to provide a consistent and equitable approach to determining the applicable development charge when a development area supports both industrial and commercial activities within the same space.
Decision 1 – Is the business open to and sells to the public? If no, then the entire Gross Floor Area (“GFA”) is assessed as industrial. If yes, then proceed to Decision 2. Decision 2 – Are the products that are sold to the general public manufactured, produced, or processed on site? If yes, then the entire GFA is assessed as industrial. If no, then proceed to Decision 3. Decision 3 – Is the area where sales to the general public clearly delineated from the other parts of the building that is used for warehousing, storage or distribution? If no, then the entire GFA is assessed as commercial. If yes, then proceed to Decision 4. Decision 4 – Is the area used for warehousing, storage or distribution primarily intended for goods sold to the public on site? If yes, then the entire GFA is assessed as commercial. If no, then the areas used for sales to the public and accessible by the public is assessed as commercial. The remainder of the GFA (including all areas used for warehousing, storage or distribution) is assessed as industrial.
This protocol was approved by Council and will be carried forward and incorporated as part of the next DC by-law update.
Development charges interest |
The Corporation of the Town of Whitby collects development charges under the authority of the Development Charges Act, 1997, s.o. 1997, c.27 and the Town Development Charges By-Law #7748-21. Development charges shall be collected in a financial sustainable manner in order to fund growth related capital costs to deliver complete communities. As per the Development Charges Act, 1997, s.o. 1997, c.27, the interest rate is set to average prime rate + 1%, adjusted quarterly on January 15th, April 15th, July 15th, and October 15th. To learn more about this, review the Town of Whitby Development Charge Interest Policy. The Region of Durham has its own Development Charge Interest Policy, please contact them directly with any questions. |
Timing of payment |
The Town of Whitby typically collects development charges just prior to the building permit being issued, for the Town of Whitby, Region of Durham, and the school boards (DDSB and DCDSB). Any development charge quotations provided by the Town of Whitby, will have an expiry date. It is up to the applicant to be aware of that expiry date. Development Charge Installment PaymentsIn accordance with Bill 108, the More Homes, More Choices Act, 2019 and Bill 23, the More Homes Build Faster Act, 2022, the following types of development, shall pay development charges in installments.
Other Development Charge Installment Details
Education development charges |
Education development charges are imposed by the Durham District School Board and the Durham Catholic District School Board under the authority of the Education Act. Education development charges are payable at the rate in effect at building permit issuance. |
Exemptions and credits |
Statutory Legislated Development Charge ExemptionsThe Development Charges Act, 1997, s.o. 1997, c.27, provides for certain mandated development charge exemptions and discounts, such as:
Non-Statutory Town of Whitby Development Charge ExemptionsThe Town of Whitby provides further development charge exemptions in by-law #7748-21, such as;
Other Potential Town of Whitby Development Charge Exemptions / Credits
Please refer to the Region of Durham, Durham District School Board, and the Durham Catholic District School Board websites for more information on exemptions and credits pertaining to their development charges. |
Parkland Dedication / Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland |
Parkland dedication fees are separate from development charges, and are subject to the Conveyance of Parkland and Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland By-Law #7733-21. More information can be found on the planning and development webpage. |
How do I pay? |
The Town of Whitby will provide a development charge quotation on behalf of the Region of Durham, the Durham District School Board and the Durham Catholic District School Board that includes the total development charges due.
Payment for all applicable development charges is due to the Corporation of the Town of Whitby. Payment OptionsTo help serve you better, please email the Town of Whitby Development Finance division at before making a payment. Any development charge quotations provided by the Town of Whitby, will have an expiry date. It is up to the applicant to be aware of the development charge quotation expiry date and ensure payment is received by the Town of Whitby prior to that date.
Payment by Cheque
Payment by EFT (electronic fund transfer) or Wire
Statement of the Treasurer |
As required by the Development Charges Act, 1997, the Treasurer of the Town of Whitby shall prepare an annual financial statement reporting on the status and transactions to the development charge reserve funds for the previous year. This statement is presented to the Council of the Town of Whitby for their review.
Complaints about Development Charges |
Under section 20 of the Development Charges Act, 1997 a person required to pay a development charge, or the person’s agent, may complain to the council of the municipality imposing the development charge that:
A complaint may not be made later than 90 days after the day the development charge, or any part of it, is payable. The complaint must be in writing, must state the complainant’s name, the address where notice can be given to the complainant and the reasons for the complaint. The complaint can be emailed to or mailed to Christopher Harris, Town Clerk, Town of Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, ON L1N 2M8. The council shall hold a hearing into the complaint and shall give the complainant an opportunity to make representations at the hearing. The clerk of the municipality shall mail a notice of the hearing to the complainant at least 14 days before the hearing. After hearing the evidence and submissions of the complainant, the council may discuss the complaint or rectify any incorrect determination or error that was the subject of the complaint. |
For clarification or further questions please contact the Town of Whitby Development Finance division in the Financial Services department at or 905.430.4300 x 2917.
For information on the Region of Durham's development charges, please contact or 905.668.7711 x 3469 for residential inquiries, and or 905.668-4113 x 3486 for non-residential inquiries.
For information on the Durham District School Board and Durham Catholic District School Board education development charges, please contact or 905.576.6150 x 2211.
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