Are you looking to report an issue you've noticed in Whitby? Look below for the issue type you are reporting on, and click on the link or fill out the form to provide the needed details.
We'll need to know where the issue is located, and if you could provide an image, it will help staff to get the right people and tools out to the location!
Submit your Town lighting, park, road, vandalism, waste collection or tree issue
If you notice snow, ice or damage on a Road, sidewalk or trail that is maintained by the Town let us know! We'll need to know where the issue is located, and if you could provide an image, it will help staff to get the right people and tools out to the location!
The By-law Services Complaint Form is an online tool provided by the Town of Whitby for residents to report by-law violations. Users are encouraged to provide detailed information about the concern, including the address of the property in question, to ensure prompt and accurate investigation by a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer.
You can file a parking complaint by completing the Parking Services Complaint Form. Anonymous complaints are not accepted. We will follow-up to confirm details in order to resolve your concern.
All complaints, including emails, must contain the complainant's name, address and phone number. Please note that all personal information about complainants will remain confidential.
Graffiti Vandalism |
Help keep our community clean. The Town works with several partners, including the Downtown Whitby BIA and Durham Regional Police Service, to prevent graffiti vandalism in our community. What is graffiti vandalism?Graffiti vandalism is writing or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed on a wall or other surface without permission. Graffiti vandalism creates a nuisance that can negatively affect property values, business opportunities, and pose a risk to the safety and well-being of a community. Graffiti vandalism, including tagging, is illegal. Everyone has a role to play in combatting graffiti vandalism. How to prevent graffiti vandalismRapid removal of graffiti is one of the most effective deterrents to taggers and other vandals. Other tips to help prevent/reduce graffiti include:
How to report graffiti vandalism:
How to clean up graffiti vandalism
What the Town is doing about graffiti vandalism
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