If you represent a financial institution that pays property taxes on behalf of a property owner in the Town of Whitby, find out what you need to know in order to meet the payment deadlines.
The Interim listings are usually sent out around the last week of January each year.
The Final listings are usually sent out around the last week of May each year.
The tax due dates for the current year can be found here.
If your customer wasn't included on the main listing, please contact us with the following information;
It will take us approximately one week to process this request, and you will receive an email back to your banks property tax email account for the new clients that we could record your interest.
Invoicing for mortgage accounts occurs after the Interim and Final tax billings. Town of Whitby charges a fee for each roll number that we provide billing details for. These invoices are due to the Municipality within 30 days of the invoice date. If invoices for this service remain unpaid at the time of the next billing, service will be discontinued to your financial institution until outstanding invoices are paid in full with interest.
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