The Town of Whitby's Noise By-law regulates unreasonable and unnecessary noise in order to create a peaceful and quiet environment for residents in our community.
Please visit Animal Control if you have a complaint related to dogs barking.
Noise and Air Traffic Concerns Related to the Oshawa Airport |
The Oshawa Executive Airport is located in close proximity to the east end of Whitby. Aircraft arriving and departing the airport fly over Whitby homes and businesses. The airport is operated by the City of Oshawa and the airport seeks to balance airport operations and sensitivity to aircraft noise. Transport Canada regulates airport activity. Municipal by-laws cannot be used to regulate aircraft activity, and neither Members of Council or Town staff have the authority to regulate aircraft activity over the Town of Whitby. For more detailed information regarding airplane noise and related matters, please visit the Oshawa Airport's Noise Information Page. Please contact the Federal Minister of Transport if you require further information or clarification on regulating airport traffic activity. The Federal Minister of Transport, The Honourable Pablo Rodriguez can be reached via email at and or via telephone at 613-992-1301 or 905-848-8595. |
You can file a by-law complaint if you believe someone isn't following the regulations in the by-law.
All complaints, including emails, must contain the complainant's name, address and phone number. Please note that all personal information about complainants will remain confidential.
What happens after you submit a noise complaint? |
We encourage residents to exercise a reasonable degree of tolerance and to review the bylaw regulations by type of noise found below prior to submitting a service request. If you have a concern, consider speaking with those responsible for making the noise to give them an opportunity to correct the issue. If you are a tenant, you must speak to your landlord first and give them a reasonable period of time to correct the issue before submitted a request to Bylaw Services. |
Noise regulations |
The following list provides an overview of the noise regulations:
Request an exemption |
The Noise By-law is in effect at all times, and exemptions are not generally available. We may grant exemptions for private usage matters such time-limited private construction and special events and Infrastructure works such as and for large-scale construction projects like road repair works and concrete pouring For private usage exemption requests see below: Download Special Event Noise Exemption Application here Download Construction Noise Exemption Application here All noise permit request must be submitted four weeks prior to the request date of activity. Please note only completed applications with accompanying $370.64 (tax included) fee will be accepted. Refunds will not be granted for applications that are denied. Please contact us if you have any additional questions
For more information on Infrastructure, please contact the Town’s Fire and Operations Department at
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