Sports equipment left unattended on a street or a portion of a street can be a safety hazard for motorists. The Town of Whitby's Property and Boulevard Maintenance By-law requires you to ensure all sports equipment does not overhang to interfere with or obstructs safe passage on a highway or sidewalk. This includes, but is not limited to:
If you leave equipment on the road, we may attach a notice to it, stating you have 24 hours to move the equipment. Failure to comply with the notice may result in your sports equipment being removed from the road and held at a secure site for 30 days.
You can reclaim the equipment within 30 days for a cost determined by the actual costs incurred by the Town to remove the item. We will dispose of all unclaimed equipment after 30 days. Please contact us to learn how to reclaim your equipment.
You can file a by-law complaint if you believe someone isn't following the regulations in the by-law.
All complaints, including emails, must contain the complainant's name, address and phone number. Please note that all personal information about complainants will remain confidential.
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