If you'd like to widen your driveway in the Town of Whitby, you need to follow the regulations outlined in the Zoning By-law and Road Occupancy and Municipal Access By-law.
The Town of Whitby owns the small piece of property known as the boulevard at the end of your driveway. If you're driveway widening project extends onto the boulevard, you'll need to apply for a curb-cut permit.
Please complete the Curb-cut Permit Application and submit it by email or drop it off to:
575 Rossland St E
Whitby, ON L1N 2M8
You'll need to include a sketch of the curb-cut along with the proposed dimensions and fill out the Curb Cut Application form.
You can file a by-law complaint if you believe someone isn't following the regulations in the by-law.
All complaints, including emails, must contain the complainant's name, address and phone number. Please note that all personal information about complainants will remain confidential.
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