The portion of your property nearest the street, known as the boulevard, is owned by the Town of Whitby. This area is an entrance point for many municipal services and we may need to access it in order to improve or repair services.
As a property owner, it is your responsibility to maintain the municipal boulevard. This includes mowing grass. Please view the Property and Boulevard Maintenance By-law for full maintenance details.
Review the following planting guidelines:
Certain items are prohibited on the boulevard because they may create a hazard. The following items are not allowed on the boulevard:
If you would like to widen your driveway, you need to receive municipal approval. Learn how to apply for a driveway widening or curb cut approval.
You can file a by-law complaint if you believe someone isn't following the regulations in the by-law.
All complaints, including emails, must contain the complainant's name, address and phone number. Please note that all personal information about complainants will remain confidential.
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