The Town of Whitby has a variety of advisory boards and committees, whose members are appointed by Council and serve our community in an advisory capacity. Council appoints qualified candidates for citizen vacancies. Members are appointed for a term that follows the four-year term of Council.
We encourage you to participate in one of our advisory boards and committees if you think that you are a great fit. By participating and becoming involved, you help promote and strengthen our community.
There are currently no vacancies at this time. Please visit this page for future updates as vacancies will be posted as they arise. Thank you for your interest in the Town's Advisory Committees.
If you have questions about advisory board and committee recruitment or require technical support completing your application, please contact the Town of Whitby at 905.430.4300 or
Whitby residents, tenants or property owners, 18-years-old or older, can apply for a citizen board vacancy.
Town of Whitby advisory board and committee members serve in a volunteer capacity with the exception of members of the Municipal Licensing and Standards Committee who receive remuneration of $100 per meeting and members of the Committee of Adjustment who receive remuneration of $65 per meeting or $75 per meeting if serving as the committee chair. Please note that remuneration received by committee members is publicly reported annually and each member will receive a T4A for income tax purposes.
You can view the dates and locations of all Town board and committee meetings online. Boards and committees generally meet once per month, with the exception of July and August.
You can find our committee meeting agendas, minutes and reports by clicking the button below.
Committee Meeting Agendas, Minutes and Reports
If you would like to participate in a committee meeting, you can request a delegation. Learn how you can appear before a Standing Committee of Council regarding a matter on the agenda.
Road Watch Committee |
How Road Watch Program Works If you witnessed a driver behaving aggressively or driving unsafe, use the Road Watch Report Form or the online complaint form found on the Durham Regional Police Road Watch program web page. Please record and detail as much information as possible from the incident. Any personal information you provide will be confidential and used for statistical use only. For more information about the Road Watch program, you can contact us or check the Durham Regional Police Road Watch program. What happens if your vehicle is reported? The police will send you a letter to identify the unsafe or aggressive driving that was witnessed. If the vehicle is reported more than once, the police will contact you, either by phone or in person. Subsequent incidents may result in enforcement action by the police. |
Whitby 55+ Recreation Advisory Committee |
Become a member If you are interested in helping out at events or want to get involved in WSAC activities, think about joining the 55+ Recreation Advisory Committee! Members are elected to their board positions through voting. Nomination forms will be made available at the Whitby Seniors Activity Centre prior to each election. Please subscribe to watch our news and notices for more information. |
Contact us for an accessible version of our Boards and Advisory Committees Code of Conduct. It identifies the expectations and guidelines for appropriate conduct for members. Appointed members will receive a copy to sign that they have read, understood and accepted the code.
Please email if you have any questions about the Terms of References.
Advisory Committees |
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Quasi-Judicial Committees |
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Local Boards |
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Other Committees |
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