We regularly conduct park, trail and open space plans and studies before proceeding to construction on projects. With many opportunities for the public to submit feedback, our plans and studies help guide our planning and priorities for these valuable community spaces. Watch our news and notices, and Connect Whitby engagement platform for opportunities to engage with our park, trail and open space projects.
We have developed various master plans and strategies to achieve positive community benefit for our parks, fields, facilities and open spaces.
That Cullen Central Park is a vital Town Park that has unique characteristics creating a special place for Whitby residents and visitors. A master plan will provide guidance on appropriate passive and active recreational facilities to further enhance resident’s enjoyment and to maximize the potential of the park. The plan will start soon. To receive updates, sign up to the Interested Parties List.
The Parks and Recreation Master Plan will provide an update to the current Culture, Parks, Recreation Open Space Plan. The Plan will focus primarily on parks, open space, recreation programming, services, facilities, including the Marina and harbour.
Our Culture, Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan guides delivery of the Town's parks, culture and recreation services and respond to change, such as rapid growth, growing diversity, consumer expectations, changing trends and resource availability. To learn more, please contact us for an accessible version of our Culture, Parks, Recreation and Open Space Strategic Master Plan.
Our Culture Plan provides strategic direction for the Town to deliver and foster arts and culture programs, services and facilities in the community, and guides the management of changing demographics and the cultural composition of our community.
Our Waterfront Parks and Open Space Master Plan provides a comprehensive strategy to enhance the town waterfront's natural, heritage, cultural and recreational features.
Our Sports Facility Strategy guides the provision of the Town's indoor and outdoor sports facilities, including the number of facilities required by type approximate size and general location, along with their implementation and funding.
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