If your child is attending camp, you will need to complete the Mandatory Camper Information Form, which you will need to bring with your child on their first day of camp. If you need assistance with the camper information form, contact camps@whitby.ca.
Town of Whitby Camps |
Brooklin Kinder Camp ages 4-5 Brooklin Kidz Camp ages 6-13 Cullen Kinder Camp ages 4-5 Cullen Kidz Camp ages 6-13 IPSC Multi Sport Camp ages 6-13 MCK Multi Sport Camp ages 6-13 |
Counsellor-in-Training Program (CIT) |
Our Counsellor-in-Training (CIT) program helps you train and develop skills associated with leadership, team building, safety and communication on your way to becoming a certified camp counsellor with the Town. You will also become certified in first aid and CPR. This is a great opportunity if you're looking to complete community service hours for your secondary school diploma. If you completed the Town of Whitby's CIT Camp in 2022, 2023 or 2024 and are looking for some community service hours, you can register for up to 2 weeks of practical experience at the Cullen Camp location. Once you have registered please complete, print and bring the Volunteer CIT Waiver Form on the first day of volunteering. |
Community Connection Camps |
Kinder Camp ages 4-5 – John Dryden P.S. Day Camp – John Dryden P.S. CIT - John Dryden P.S. |
Specialty Camps |
Junior Firefighter Camp ages 10-13 Kids Great Minds Technology Camps Film Camp in a Box ages 6-14 |
Town of Whitby Playground Program |
This community drop in program runs five days a week at four local parks in the morning and four different local parks in the afternoon. This program is free for Whitby Residents ages 5-12. Due to the popularity residents may register for a maximum of two weeks per child per summer. |
Summer 2025 Registration Begins:
Extended care is available at the following locations:
Brooklin Kinder, Kidz and Edge Camp
Cullen Kinder, Kidz and Energy Camp
Multi Sport Camp, Junior and Senior
Community Connection Camps, Kinder and Day Camp
Extended care is available 7:30-9:00 a.m. and 4:30-6:00 p.m. Please select this option when registering if you require it.
Extended Care fee: $44.10 per week
All programs and services are integrated to include campers of all abilities, but our camps also offer inclusion services for extra care if required. If your child requires inclusion supports at camp please email camps@whitby.ca with your request for up to two weeks of inclusion support. The inclusion coordinator will reply to your inquiry to confirm support and to provide registration instructions. Inclusion requests for Summer 2025 can be submitted any time after March 12, 2025.
Town of Whitby camps are dedicated to providing a healthy, safe, positive, and fun experience for all participants in accordance to the Town of Whitby’s Code of Conduct. Camper’s Rights and Responsibilities include: link the code of conduct
If a child’s behaviour endangers their own safety or that of others, parents will be informed and may be required to pick up their child early from camp.
Review our camp program guidelines and safety measures before you send your child to camp.
Accidents and incidents |
All camp leaders are trained in first aid and CPR. If your child is injured, camp leaders will use first aid as required. In an emergency, camp leaders will call 911 and accompany your child to the hospital. We will contact you and ask you to meet staff at the hospital. |
Allergens |
We advise all program participants suffering from known allergies or medical conditions, documented or otherwise, to register at their own risk. We inform all attendees to avoid bringing peanut or nut products to camp, but we cannot guarantee all patrons within camp facilities will follow this advisory as well. The Town of Whitby and its employees, servants, agents, officials and contractors make no representations and accept no liability regarding the presence or absence of allergens at facilities where camps take place. |
Arrival, departure and extended care |
You must sign your child in and out each day. If someone other than a parent is picking up your child, you must provide written notice identifying who has permission to do so, and give the notice to the camp leader. You can sign a consent form allowing your child to be released on their own at the end of the day if they are 10-years-old or older. You are expected to pick up your child on time each day. You can also sign up for extended care before the beginning of the camp week. Extended care is available at all full-day Town run camps (non-specialty) from 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. for a flat rate fee that covers the entire week, single day coverage is not offered. |
Clothing and personal items |
Children should be suitably dressed for the weather, as our camps are held indoors and outdoors. Children in the Kinder Camp program are expected to be toilet trained as staff cannot change children who have toilet accidents. We will call you to change your child and take them home. Please label your child's items. We ask that your child leave any valuable items at home as we cannot assume responsibility for lost items. |
Field trips |
If a field trip is planned for your child's camp, you will be required to sign a consent form. Please bring all necessary items that are listed by the camp. |
Food |
You will be expected to provide your child with a packed lunch and snacks. We cannot guarantee an allergen-free environment, but we ask that you do not send peanut or nut products because of possible severe allergies. |
Medication and illness |
You must sign a consent form for camp staff to hold prescription medication as directed by the label. Please provide it daily and pick it up at the end of the day and in the exact dose required. Your child will be required to administer the medicine by themselves. If your child becomes ill during the day or can't participate in activities, we will contact you to pick them up immediately. |
Photographs |
You will be asked to sign a consent form for the camp to use photos that may involve your child during camp activities. If you would like to take a photo of your child at camp, please only include your child in the shot. |
Sun safety |
Please provide sunscreen for your child and avoid products containing nut ingredients. We will remind all campers throughout the day to re-apply sunscreen as needed. We suggest that each child wear a hat. You must give permission on the pre-camp form if you would like camp staff to re-apply sunscreen on your child. Kinder Camp children should arrive with sunscreen already applied. |
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