We provide instruction in the Swim For Life - Lifesaving Society for children between the ages of 4 months and 13 years as well as teen and adult lessons ages 14 years and up. The program emphasizes water safety and how to respond in emergency situations. All instructors have at least 200 hours of training and practical teaching experience.
The Swim for Life Program stresses in-water practice to develop solid swimming strokes and skills with a primary focus on front crawl, back crawl, and breaststroke. The Program also incorporates Water Smart education at every level to teach valuable water safety lessons that last a lifetime.
Our Aquatic and Customer Service teams have been trained to assist you in ensuring that your child is registered into the correct level. If you are unsure what level your child should be registered into, come into a public swim and have your child assessed or contact our customer service staff at 905.666.1991 or aquatics@whitby.ca
It is recommended and encouraged that participants complete a level before proceeding to the next one. This ensures that participants have a thorough understanding of each levels concepts and skills before moving onto more advance levels.
If you have questions about swimming lessons, etiquette, locations, etc., visit our Swimming FAQs page.
Parent and Tot (Ages 4months -3yrs - Parents required to assist child in the water) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parent and Tot 1 – (4-12months) To view Parent and Tot 1 skills taught in this level. Parent and Tot 2 – (12-24months) Designed for the 12 to 24-month-old to learn to enjoy the water with the parent. To view Parent and Tot 2 skills taught in this level. Designed for the 2 to 3-year-old to learn to enjoy the water with the parent. |
Preschool (Ages 3-5yrs) |
These beginner preschoolers will have fun learning to get in and out of the water. We will help them jump into chest deep water. We will assist them as they learn to float and glide on their front and back, learn to get their faces wet, and blow bubbles underwater. To view Preschool 1 skills taught in this level. This level of preschoolers submerge and exhale underwater comfortably. An emphasis will continue to be on front and back glides (assisted and unassisted) for a distance of 3 metres. A front swim with kick is introduced. They will learn to jump into chest-deep water by themselves, and how to enter and exit the water safely. To view Preschool 2 skills taught in this level. Building from the previous level, these preschoolers are now comfortable in the water. Independent floats and glides, on front and back with a distance requirement of 5 metres are a focus. Deep water entries and exits are introduced. They will recover objects from the bottom in waist-deep water. To view Preschool 3 skills taught in this level. These intermediate preschoolers continue to work on independence by gliding on front and back with an emphasis on propulsive kicking. Side flutter kick and surface support in a PFD are introduced. To view Preschool 4 skills taught in this level. These advanced preschoolers are in the final stage before transferring to the swimmer levels. Swimmers continue to develop front and back crawl. Participants will tread water unassisted, learn how to do forward rolls in deep water, and will be introduced to whip kick. |
Swimmer (Ages 6-13yrs) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
These entry level swimmers will become comfortable jumping into water with and without a lifejacket. They will learn to open their eyes, exhale and hold their breath underwater. They will work on independent floats, glides, and kicking through the water on their front and back. To view Swimmer 1 skills taught in this level. These beginners will learn to support themselves at the surface without an aid, learn whip kick, and swim 10-metres of front crawl and back crawl. Swimmers will be introduced to flutter kick interval training. They'll be comfortable jumping into deeper water and learn basic self rescues. To view Swimmer 2 skills taught in this level. Transitioning from a 30 minute to 45 minute lesson, these junior swimmers will work on 15-metres of front and back crawl, and 10-metres of whip kick on their back. Flutter kick interval training increases. They'll learn the foundations of diving and do in-water front somersaults and handstands. To view Swimmer 3 skills taught in this level. These intermediate swimmers will focus on technique, increasing endurance and speed on front crawl and back crawl. Swimmers will be introduced to the individual components of breaststroke. And to cap it all off, swimmers will test their skills with a 5-metre underwater swim. To view Swimmer 4 skills taught in this level. These swimmers will refine their front crawl, back crawl, and breaststroke techniques. Then they will pick up the pace with increased interval training from 25 to 50-metre sprints. They will master shallow dives in deep-water, stationary eggbeater kick, and in-water back somersaults. To view Swimmer 5 skills taught in this level. These advanced swimmers will easily swim lengths of front crawl, back crawl ad breaststroke, and complete a 300-metre workout. They'll continue to develop strength and power performing breaststroke sprints over 25-metres. Swimmers will be challenged with sophisticated aquatic skills and continue to prepare candidates for their next step, Aquatic Leadership. To view Swimmer 6 skills taught in this level.
Swimming Lessons for Teens (Ages 14-18yrs) |
Teen Swimmer 1 - Beginner – (14-18yrs) These entry level teens are working towards being comfortable in the water and learn the basic mechanics of swimming. Swimmer will learn how to submerge and exhale underwater. Participants will learn floats, glides, and develop basic kicking techniques on their front, back and side. Teens will progress to the foundations front and back crawl for a distance of 10 to 15-metres. This level of swimming lessons is equivalent to Swimmer 1 and 2 of the Swim for Life Program. To view Teen Swimmer 1- Beginner skills taught in this level. Teen Swimmer 2 - Intermediate – (14-18yrs) These intermediate swimmers will continue to work on front and back crawl, the individual components of breaststroke, and sprints. Swimmers will perform a 5-metre underwater swim and learn basic self rescue skills. This level of swimming lessons if equivalent to Swimmer 3 and 4 of the Swim for Life Program. . To view Teen Swimmer 2- Intermediate skills taught in this level. Teen Swimmer 3 - Advanced – (14-18yrs) These advanced swimmers will refine their front crawl, back crawl, and breaststroke techniques and complete a 300-metre (12 length) workout. Upon completion, swimmers that are interested, are ready for the next step which is Aquatic Leadership. This level of swimming lessons is equivalent to Swimmer 5 and 6 of the Swim for Life Program. To view Teen Swimmer 3- Advanced skills taught in this level. Private Teen Swimmer - (14-18yrs) In this one-on-one instruction, participants will work at their own pace to develop skills taught in Teen Swimmer 1, 2, or 3.
Aquatic Leadership Courses | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Canadian Swim Patrol 1 - Rookie Patrol (Prerequisite Swimmer 6 and 8yrs of age) In Rookie, the first level in the Canadian Swim Patrol Program, swimmer continue stroke development with 50 metre swims of front crawl, back crawl and breaststroke. Lifesaving Sport skills include a 25 metre obstacle swim and 15 metre object carry. First aid focuses on assessment of conscious victims, contacting EMS and treatment for bleeding. Fitness improves in 350 metre workouts and 100 metre timed swims. Canadian Swim Patrol 2 - Ranger Patrol (Prerequisite Swimmer 6, 8yrs of age and completion of Rookie) In Ranger, the second level in the Canadian Swim Patrol Program, swimmers develop better strokes over 75 metre swims of each stroke. They tackle Lifesaving Sport skills in a lifesaving medley, timed object support and rescue with a buoyant aid. First aid focuses on assessment of unconscious victims, treatment of victims in shock and obstructed airway procedures. Skill drills develop a strong lifesaving foundation. Canadian Swim Patrol 3 - Star Patrol (Prerequisite Swimmer 6, 8yrs of age and completion of Rookie and Ranger) In Star, the third and final level of the Canadian Swim Patrol Program, swimmers are challenged with 600-metre workouts, 300-metre timed swims and a 25-metre object carry. Strokes are refined over 100-metre swims. First aid focuses on treatment of bone or joint injuries and respiratory emergencies including asthma and allergic reactions. Lifesaving skills include defense methods, victim removals and rolling over and supporting a victim face up in shallow water. Bronze Star (The minimum prerequisite for this program is Swimmer 6 and 10 years of age. Canadian Swim Patrol is recommended.) Bronze Medallion (Aged 13 or successful completion of Bronze Star) Candidates develop the judgement, skills, and fitness required for water rescues including tows, carries, defenses, and releases as well as resuscitation skills. Candidates develop stroke efficiency and endurance in a timed swim. As a prerequisite for this program, candidates must be thirteen years of age or have a current Bronze Star certification. Please bring prerequisite information to the first class. 100 per cent attendance is required. Bronze Cross and Emergency First Aid(Successful completion of Bronze Medallion) Bronze Cross is a Lifesaving Society certification course for candidates who hold current Bronze Medallion certification. Bronze Cross is the prerequisite for the National Lifeguard Service Award. Upon successful completion of the course, candidates receive certification in Emergency First Aid and CPR 'B'. Please provide proof of prerequisite when registering. Topics include lifesaving vs. lifeguarding, teamwork and rescues, and management of spinal injuries. 100 per cent attendance is required. Candidates who are younger than fourteen years of age and hold a current Bronze Medallion must register in person at one of our Town of Whitby recreational facilities. NLS & Standard First Aid, CPR ‘C’ (Aged 15 and successful completion of Bronze Cross) This is a Lifesaving Society certification course and a nationally recognized lifeguarding award. Candidates must be 15-years-old by the date of the exam. This course also certifies a candidate in Standard First Aid & CPR 'C'. Bronze Cross is a prerequisite for this course. Please provide proof of prerequisite both when registering and on the first day of lessons. 100 per cent attendance is mandatory. Swim for Life and Lifesaving and Emergency First Aid Instructor (Aged 15 and successful completion of Bronze Cross) This is a two certification course. The Lifesaving Society Swim for Life Instructor course prepares the candidate to teach and evaluate the swimming strokes and related skills found in the Lifesaving Society Swim for Life program. The Lifesaving Instructor course prepares the candidate to organize, plan, teach and evaluate lifesaving and first aid skills as well as resuscitation techniques to instruct Lifesavings Canadian Swim Patrol, Bronze Medallion, Bronze Cross and Emergency First Aid programs.100% attendance is required. Participants are encouraged to sign up to volunteer with our instructors to gain hands on, practical experience teaching swimming lessons. Information is provided to participants on the first class. |
Adult Swim Lessons (Ages 14yrs+) |
Adult Swimmer 1 - Beginner – (14yrs+) This program is for new swimmers who are looking to learn the fundamentals of swimming. Participants will learn how to submerge their head and exhale underwater. They will perform floats, glides, and develop basic techniques on their front, back, and side. Swimmers are introduced to front crawl and back crawl. To view Adult Swimmer 1- Beginner skills taught in this level. Adult Swimmer 2 - Intermediate – (14yrs+) These intermediate swimmers will continue to gain confidence in the water and build on the skills learned in the previous level. Swimmers will work on front and back crawl, the individual components of breaststroke, and sprints. Lastly, swimmers will complete 25 to 50-metres of front crawl and back crawl and will be introduced to interval training. To view Adult Swimmer 2- Intermediate skills taught in this level. Adult Swimmer 3 - Advanced – (14yrs+) These advanced swimmers will complete 50 to 100-metres of front crawl, back crawl, and breaststroke, and swim a continuous 300-metre (12 length) workout. Upon completion, swimmers that are interested, are ready for the next step which is Aquatic Leadership. To view Adult Swimmer 3- Advanced skills taught in this level. Private Adult Swimmer - (14yrs+) In this one-on-one instruction, participants will work at their own pace to develop skills taught in Adult Swimmer 1, 2, or 3. |
Swim Conversion Chart - Red Cross Levels to Swim for Life Levels | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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